Episode 035: Magnetising Money
Episode Overview:
Money, money, money. How’s your relationship with the stuff?
Good, bad, ambivalent? We all carry stories about money and what it means to have it, want it, not have it, what rich people are like, poor people, if you get more what it will mean for you, what if you lose it. The list goes on.
Understanding and clearing these stories is what will help to increase your bank balance more than any strategy I can share with you. Because you can have the best strategies in the world but if you show up in your business carrying a suitcase of disempowering money stories, none of the strategies will work.
Episode Highlights:
Don’t miss out on the good bits:
{1:55} How this is the secret saboteur
{3:38} Do you have to be a bad person to be rich?
{6:52} If you spend everything that comes into your bank, this parts for you
{8:57} Your money language and why it’s important
{10:47} How could your life be different if you cleared this all up?
Links from the Show:
Come and join me in the new group The Aligned Entrepreneur Community over on Facebook where I do live training, have guest experts in the group and you can even take over the group and teach your area of expertise. Interested? Then click HERE
If you’re still trying to find your first paying client, then grab your FREE guide 10 Steps to Secure Your First Client (without the need to sell your soul). Click HERE